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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
July 24, 2012
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 7:30 PM, at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Sharon Cohen, Ted Kreinik, Laura Lerman, Robert Rabinowitz, Donna Monteleone Randle, and Jennifer Rogers

Members Absent: Jennifer Johnston, Rob Kaiser, Donna Mangiafico

Auxiliary Members Present:  None

Guests:  None

Jennifer Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM.

Minutes:  The minutes of the June 26 meeting were approved as written.  

Officer Reports:  None

Treasurer Report: None

Newtown Cultural Arts Center
  • AMS Proposal $75,000 cost while reasonable compared to similar services is not currently in our budget however there are good ideas to be taken from the proposal that we can perform ourselves
  • Ted Kreinik reviewed the proposal as well as previous work done by NCAC earlier this year and believes between the work already accomplished and the AMS proposal we can perform our own basic “demand” survey
  • Everyone agrees it would be good to survey the general population at the Arts Festival – which leaves us only 6 weeks to create the survey and have them printed up in time for the Festival.  Any ideas that anyone has should be sent to Ted.
  • Ted has volunteered to meet with the Arts organizations in Newtown to survey their needs.  Laura Lerman and Sharon Cohen have volunteered to help with this.
Funding for NCAC Projects and Events
  • Sharon Cohen and Jen Rogers will send all info they have on funding sources to all NCAC Commissioners.
Arts Festival
  • On-site layout of Festival – Site Plan has changed
  • Entertainment tent will be at the top of the field in front of Kent Hall – the tent is now smaller than originally planned, - now to be 40’ x 60’
  • The entertainment tent is now devoted to musical performances
  • Other performances will take place in the Dance Tent, and various Workshop Tents and in “open space”
  • Vendors – we have just a short amount of time to ensure we’ve signed up all the appropriate vendors – both artistic and food – that we can to provide the best possible experience to festival attendees.
  • Publicity: Sharon requested Jen R and Robert R provide info regarding 3 performers each for our first publicity announcement.  This has been completed.
  • Discussion of signage around town:
  • It was noted that the State actually owns all property from 50 feet on either side of the center of Main Street.  Which means at least 20 feet of each house and business on Main Street is not actually private property but is owned by the State of Connecticut.  This suggests that possibly the borough’s rule about not putting signs on residents front lawns is actually not a legality or enforceable rule and that as a Town Commission we have every right, along with the property owners, to advertise the Arts Festival, Flagpole Radio Café, etc.
  • Sponsorship: Donna Randle said we are still very far from meeting our funding needs.  She requests that all council members talk to family and friends about getting at minimum $25 donations from everyone we can
  • Remind people that their donation not only funds the festival but helps us build a scholarship fund
  • Donna Randle will get a list of Real Estate agents in town from The Bee and email them all a request to be a sponsor of the festival.  Laura L might be able to help Donna with this.
  • The NCAC requests that Paul Mangiafico and Terry Sagedy and Jennifer Johnston look into using our Chamber of Commerce membership to have the Chamber send an “eBlast” to all their members soliciting sponsors for the festival
  • It is recommended that we have signup sheets at multiple locations at the Arts Festival and the Labor Day Parade for people to sign up for the NCAS newsletter.  Everyone who signs up for the newsletter will be in the running for a prize.
  • Silent Auction items are needed for the festival – please solicit donations
  • A donation “jar” at several sites throughout the festival should be set up for people to donate to the NCAC and to the Scholarship fund
  • “Paint Brush Pens” – Donna M suggested that the NCAC buys pens to sell at the festival and throughout the year – the pens with have the NCAC name and website on them
  • MOTION – Ted Kreinik motions that 500 pens be purchased.  Motion is modified to 250 pens.  Laura Lerman seconds the motion.  Motion passes unanimously to buy 250 pens through Omar from NCAC funds for a total of $407.  These pens need to be ordered and arrive prior to the Labor Day Parade.
NCAC “Brand”
Sharon Cohen said that after the Festival is over the NCAC needs to devote some time into looking at ways to expand the NCAC brand.

Flagpole Radio Café (and Pre-Show)

NCAC Newsletter
  • The newsletter went out this week.  An addendum was also sent out this week.
  • We have almost 600 subscribers but considering there are 27,000 people in Newtown alone (not to mention surrounding communities) we need more.  Please send this week’s newsletter to all your family and friends and request that they subscribe.
  • Is it possible we can offer a newsletter only “code/coupon” promotion that would only be available to people who subscribe to the newsletter?
  • NCAC grants to individuals/community organizations: discussion of starting off sometime soon with at least a token scholarship grant.
  • Receiving grants – money to fund NCAC activities:
  • Subcommittee is needed to work on this
  • Ted K pointed out that Liz Stocker is an experienced grant writer and performs this as part of her function in Newtown.  It is recommended we use her expertise to write grants for the NCAC and apply for those grants
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Rabinowitz